Aug 19, 2024
Given that I've received a few emails from my kid's school regarding the increase in racist language being used by students, this post seems very relevant. Also a good reminder that you cannot control how others raise their kids, just try and do your best to raise respectful humans.
Nov 21, 2023
Avoidance is NOT the key to marriage. I'm not sure if you've heard that and yes, I know that is a groundbreaking admission, but as it turns out... communcation is very important. My husband and I work on this all the time, but as someone who has shown most of her vulnerablities to a spouse who blocks most of his, it can...
Aug 22, 2023
Going through life without recognizing your privilege is not my jam. In this post, I talk about my own ways of ghosting my personal pity parties and the folks in my life who inspired this way of life. Enjoy!
Dec 29, 2022
When I went away to college, I was filled with such jumbled emotions that ranged from guilt to unbridled enthusiasm. Thinking I knew exactly who I wanted "college Sheevani" to be, I dove in headfirst the very first night - going to a party and hooking up with a guy. The imposter syndrome was heavy that night and...
Sep 28, 2022
Seeing pictures of my first college roommate's son going off to college was shocking on so many levels (am I that old??), but also took me back to my first week away at Michigan State University. I decided to write a short story inspired by true events and idealistic wishes.